I'm home this week...no speeding off to IL. It's really nice becuase I have time to get some much needed things done. Here are a few of them:
1.) Finish grad thank yous...I know, I'm terrible. I do have some done already.
2.) Must paint my desk. This will be really fun. I'm going to paint it a bluish greenish, minty color with burnt orange accents on it. It sounds crazy and that's becuase it's going to be! I'm excited.
3.) Family camp this weekend! I'm hoping it'll be fun. A lot of my friends are going to be out of town though...sounds kinda like girl's camp was this year. I can handle it. Ash said she'd hang out with me. :)
4.) Order my laptop!!! This has already been done as of last night. I can't wait.
5.) Switch my Astronomy class becuase it interferes with the PYG Bible study and becuase I've heard it's way hard. I can't do this until July 21st though.
6.) Return some things, which means I can buy a new pair of shoes with money from the others(and not feel quite so guilty). I have to admit that I've been buying too much lately.
7.) Cover ugly box in cool paper to use as storage. I received a circle, hat box as a gift and the pattern isn't really me...a little too flowery girly.
Check out those beautiful pictures I bought on-line a couple days ago. The website is etsy.com...I would recommend it. It's similar to ebay only I think it's cooler. These pictures have sparkle details on them and they are authentically vintage(1940s art).
Yesterday I visited Grandpa and Grandma Bahler at Green Tree. I hadn't done that in a while and it was great. Grandpa was napping when I got there so Grandma and I talked for a while. Then when Grandpa woke up he wanted to see my car. haha...he never changes. :) Upon seeing it he said something like, "Wow, now that is sharp!" and then, "You're going to jump in there and speed away, huh?" He's too funny.
Oh and, I have some cool pictures to post about my 4th of July weekend! It was SO MUCH FUN. I hung out with Katelyn and Matt Vosburgh, Troy and Mitch Casey, and Jacob Ziolkowski. It was great to be with my old Tri-County friends again. They all met me out at Aunt Mary Ann's where we had a jolly old time. Anyways this is getting to be a long post, and I need to get cracking so I can cross some more things off my list.