My weekend started out with the borrowing of Heidi's car to pick up two friends of mine- (Iris and Su). They are both from China and I'll inform you that Su is actually a guy...poor fellow. Must be rough having such a name. :) We met a bunch of other international kids at a Japanese restaurant here on campus. It was a ton of fun. I spent most of my meal looking very awkward while trying to eat with chopstics. Pretty much I'd whine about how much I hate chopsticks, get made fun of, and almost give up! However, I'll have you know that I managed to finish my whole meal without touching a fork or spoon! I was pretty proud of myself and I think everyone else was too. :) I do have to thank chopsticks for solving one of my biggest problems in life. I tend to eat way too fast resulting in me almost always being the first person done at any meal. Chopsticks really don't allow for fast eating...maybe I should force myself to eat with them permanently from now on. Perfect.
Iris and I had planned to head over to WL Bible study directly after dinner but realized that there was no way we'd be able to make it in time. We ended up accepting a very last-minute invitation to a Jazz concert on campus from another friend from China named Webb. His name is weird too...he said it was the first word he saw in English so he chose it for his English name. I'm just glad it wasn't something more ridiculous...that's a pretty risky way of naming yourself! So we(me and three Chinese kids)took off for the concert, and that's how I happened upon the realization that I really do like Jazz music. I need to be specific though: My favorit type of Jazz music is the kind that has the bongo drums and a lot of Brazilian influence. I also have a new appreciation for instruments after watching those people perform. All in all it was a pretty fun night.
The rest of my weekend was awesome too! Christen came home with me that night and she was able to join us for a couple of the last songs from the Jazz concert before we left campus. We later did some jazz karaoke which was a blast! Saturday was super relaxing with Christen. Saturday night I headed to Indy to baby-sit the Schafer boys. :) I spent the rest of the weekend in Indy and was able to see Adrian and Noah in their Easter program. They were adorable and it was so great to be with everyone. I was able to see Clint, Alesa, and Bryan too.:)