said the Kaitlin.
My absence from the blogging world has been too long. I have to admit that I had a despairing sort of attitude about blogging...because I figured that it was too late to make up for all the lost time. Things happen and I don't blog, and then more things happen and I still don't blog. Do you see what a terrible situation I found myself in?
Well-- I've decided to escape from the dark pit of bloglessness...WHAM!
I am currently sitting with Christen at her parents house. We don't have to be back to campus until, like, noon. You know why? Because, it's finals week! Finals isn't really a happy thing. But, not having any of my finals till the end of the week is wonderful. I really need to motivate myself to study now so I'll be prepared for them. Ok-- enough of this boring school talk.
A funny story:
Christen was eating a frozen fruit cup. She decided that it would be funny to creepily grab my hand with her freezing cold one. Christen, and mostly everyone else, knows that I don't like it when people touch me very much. heh hehe. :) I guess I was feeling a little more chill than normal because it surprisingly didn't bother me all that much. A few seconds later Christen's mom walked in the room to talk to us...oh my. So funny. There we were holding hands while not realizing we were and also not realizing how incredibly strange/weird and embarrassing it looked. Jacki died laughing and was like "what's going on?" Then we died laughing. So then we were all laughing, with Christen and I frantically trying to explain the situation.
Christen's been working on some design project on her computer for the last hour. I've been surfing a cool and unique blog link Jenny sent me...for the last hour(if not longer--- so pathetic)! Let me tell you, I've added some pretty radical photos to my screen-saver collection. :)
Here's one now...

and another...

I feel the need to clarify: It's not that I don't like it when people touch's just that...I wouldn't say it's how I express myself to others. And, touching me annoyingly is a good way to get a "freak out" out of me!) NUFF Said.