This post is kind of A-typical for me. I'm dedicating a whole post to my feelings as of late about...babies! For those of you who know me well, you might be thinking..."But, you've never been one of those girls to ooh and ahh over little bundles of babiness so why a post about it?" That's mostly true. :)
The other day I was updating someone on all of the changes happening in our family and realized how insanely crazy it is that I'm soon to have like a thousand babies surrounding me. Ranging from age newborn to one year, there are...(counting)...SIX. While having a conversation with Ann recently, she asked me how I felt about all of my sisters becoming such a part of the mommy/baby stage. It made me stop and think. And then today while surfing through my sister's blogs I realized once again that there's lots to be excited about with new happenings of babies. I'm reporting all of this now to let everyone know that I am excited about BABIES. :) It's pretty awesome when I stop and think about it. All of these little people coming from bigger people that I really love a lot. And guess what?--- I'm the cool Aunt Kaitlin who's wild, free, independent, and totally able to love them like a super spiffy Aunt should.
So bring on the babies!!!!! :)