I should be working on my take home final...but can't resist the urge to compose a quick blog post. It's a calling so strong it musn't be denied. Surprising that I'm actually blogging huh?
Ok so. Here's the inspiring thought I want to share...
I've studied at Greyhouse quite a bit this semester and have noticed that nearly every time I'm here there is the strange older, asian woman lingering about. She catches your attention becuase she has this extremely critical look in her eyes. It's almost like she views the world as a worrisome disappointment that she must constantly contemplate. Really- she kind of glares at people. Sylvia(a very dear friend and faithful study partner) has mentioned to me how offensive she finds this older woman. I kind of laughed when she told me that because I had totally felt them same way.
I recently decided I was going to talk to this woman. I wanted to know what was making her so angry at the world. I've yet to actually sit down and have a conversation with her but something interesting did happen today. :) She walked in with her typical worried face expression and instead of ignorring her I smiled and suggested that she sit in an open seat next to me. She responded with a sort of reluctant thanks as I made some comment about Greyhouse always being so busy. She ended up taking another stroll about Greyhouse instead of sitting in the seat I suggested...as she walked by me for the second time she actually smiled, pointed at my shoes, and told me she thougth they were very cute. It was the sweetest thing ever.
I realized that the face expressions people wear on their face may not be a good indicator of how they actually are. When I was kind to her, she opened up and gave me a compliment. I had judged her to be a strange, unhappy, and overly critial woman when really she just needed someone to be kind to her. I'm going to think of her differently from now on. Actually, she challenged me to think of people in general differently from now on. :) I shall not judge a person based on his or her face expression.
Yay for being a human with the ability to love other humans. :)