This past week I've had an endless surge of art inspiration. It's very strange. I'm once again realizing the tendancy I can have to get a little extreme about things. I literally can't sleep at night lately because I'm thinking about all of the art projects and things I want to do (while I still have time and it's summer). Maybe that's it...I feel frantic because I know I won't have time or mental energy to invest in these art projects once school starts.
The other night I found myself suddenly wide awake and it was still dark out. As soon as I woke up I had all of these verses of a poem running through my head. I jumped out of bed and in the dim light of morning, I wrote them down...then I went back to bed. That would be verbal art I guess. :) WELL OK, if you really want to hear the poem I might share it with you later...Ha.
Friday I ran to a craft store and purchased oil pastels and a huge 20x30 art board. Four hours later I had finished a vogue painting of a 1920's lass with scarf blowing in the wind. I'm planning to have it framed and put up in my apartment, which I'm really excited about. Taking it on the plane with me should be interesting. I'm going to have some good memories attached to this painting, because Jenny and I spent the evening at Kathy Gratto's(Lady that hosts sewing weekly) house while I painted it. Kathy has a really cool daughter named Audrey that's friends with Jen, and they were so fun to hang out with. Jenny studied Biology, Audrey worked on a fun sewing project with Kathy, the kids watched Jungle Book, and I oil-pasteled. It was super relaxing.
I bought a pretty curtain for my apartment bedroom and am going to order some beautiful flower-fairy lights too. I've spent so much time looking at inspiration filled pictures of decorating on the Internet- I love it. This is another area that's consumed me. I'm going to make my apartment desk space magical. :)
This afternoon, I want to work with watercolor pencils. I've never used them and am so excited about it! I found a picture of an earthy, unique girl that I'm going to re-create.
-------......-------......------- Three Cheers for art!
Well, my first reaction was laughter because I think you are really funny.....and probably a little extreme. ;) My second reaction was "wowzas! I am living with a very talented individual!" and my third reaction was "Phew I am glad she at least has been getting something around for our apt..... because I, my friend, have not. Excited to see you so soon!
I like that picture. And I can't wait to see what wondrous gems of art you have been creating. I'm even more excited to see YOU though! Only a few more days until my Kaitlin-less days are over!:)
Christen and Ashton...I can't wait to see you two bosom friends!
You won't believe it...but, there's a chance I won't be able to bring my huge oil-pastel painting home with me. WAAAA. Blast. I think I might just post a picture of it though.
Christen- Don't worry girl. My head is spinning with fun ideas. :) We're going to have a blast together! I just know it.
Ash- Loved our phone conversation tonight!
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