Wells just hit 9 months this week! He has yet to crawl, but does assume the crawling position often so we're hopeful. He manages to move about the room with scooting and rolling, and has become quite proficient in his Johnny Jump-up. Not that babies should ever be compared to one-another, but Bry & Ash's little Cetty started crawling very early so we've been subtly suggesting to Wells that he should get with the the program. :) He clearly hasn't taken our suggestions very seriously!
He seems to be teething (he has been unusually grumpy with more drooling the last few days), which will be the production of his third tooth. He is pretty talkative and expressive, always providing engaging eye-contact. We hope this is a sign of a good communicator in the future? :)
This face expression with his little moon eyes reminds me a whole lot of Sam. Sidenote: the hardware on the cabinets will be changed hopefully soon. I'm not a fan of the little forks, spoons, and knives. |
Bath time is the best. |
That little red ball is a gift from Grandma Sally. |
This is a very typical face expression for Wells. :) |
Thoroughly enjoying Aunt Ruth's visit from Nepal! |
How incredibly blessed we were to see Joel & Sally unexpectedly in January! |
Not a terribly flattering angle for Wells, but I couldn't help posting it. :) |
awww, this little guy is growing up! :)
had to laugh, would have never noticed the hardware until you mentioned it, hehe, very unique and domestic. ;)
Kait he is SOOOO handsome! Oh my goodness you can't help but fall in love with him. :) Love the last picture.
Hey Leah, just say the word and the hardware is all yours. Haha. :) Wells is certainly beginning to seem more like a little boy and less like a baby.
Shana, thanks! It makes me smile to have other people like you appreciating this little bug. :)
oh my word...that a last one got me good. I'm smiling pretty big over here. haha :D Great little collection of darling little Wells. :)
Ann- I'm glad if his little face could brighten your day! I've been loving any and all photos you've posted of Gisella too.
What a sweetie! Haven't seen a pic of him since he was much smaller and man has he grown! Glad you are enjoying your handsome boy :)
Oh my goodness! Can't wait to see him! and you of course. and you.
Wells is seriously adorable!
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