I was enjoying my plain yougurt w/honey in the kitchen when all of a sudden my mind formed a deep and thoughtful little verse. It goes like this...
"The world will become a better place when we, within ourselves, decide to become a better place." I think I might just eat plain yogurt w/honey on a weekly basis...I'm sure I'll be solving all the worlds problems soon. This picture is kinda random, but it sort of has an enchanted fairytale feeling to it---so I posted.(Picture: Captured by DeLisa Photography & enhanced by Kaitlin Bahler)...It's one of the many pictures mom and I took for my senior shots. :)
sigh. Kait...you are a fairytale all in yourself.
The pictures is beautiful.
And I do look forward to the future (weekly?) installments of your yogurt-and-honey thoughts.
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