I have recently discovered an author that is sooo great. And by so great I mean almost as good as Daphne Du Maurier. I would actually say that they are about tied in their greatness. Isak Dinesen is her name...well, that's her pen-name. I randomly picked up one of the old books off of my shelf and disappeared into another world. I later found out that she is pretty famous, which I didn't know. I read her book Winter's Tales and really liked it. If you're bored I would suggest it. It is a book full of short stories, which makes it really easy to read.
I am ashamed to say that I've never heard of either of them. Who are they? What are their stories like?
well Nick...since I happen to be very good friends with both authors, I'll get you some copies(Signed ones of course!). Have you not heard of the classic Rebekah OR My Cousin Rachel? My goodness Nick you really should read up a bit. :)
I really don't know Rebekah, and I wasn't aware that you had a cousin Rachel...I'm just so confused.
On your glowing remarks and praising recommendation, I don't see how I could survive one more second without these books by my bedside. Oh, and which one am I supposed to start with? (If possible, please email me...I'm just terrible, with checking these comment boxes on a regular basis.)
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