I haven't posted in forever, but I guess time hasn't been slow moving either. I've finished my Summer job in IL at Uncle Denny and Aunt Mary Ann's house...this makes me sad. I've really grown to appreciate them even more (I didn't think that was possible!). Mom and I made a trip there Monday afternoon to spend some time. It was kind of my last visit before life moves on and summer vanishes completely. It just didn't seem right leaving the next morning after spending full weeks there all summer! It was a little sad and I'm feeling like Purdue doesn't quite sound as good as I thought it did a few months ago. It's weird that I only have the end of this week at home too...since I've pretty much not been home most of my summer.
I must at least talk a little bit about the awesomeness of my Senior trip(hopefully I'll get pictures to post of that too). It was definitely the right trip for my taste...lots of cool cities, quaint restaurants, cute shops, and fun people. My favorite restaurant was located in Santa Barbara, State Street. It was an Italian restaurant that had these big red velvet chairs that were painted gold and a pretty little fountain that was very soothing. The structure of the building had stone columns and stuff. the ceiling had a skylight so it felt like we were outside in a courtyard. The food was obviously amazing too. I loved how dressy the atmosphere was, but at the same time very relaxed. It felt authentic and the lighting was perfect pouring through the open spot in the ceiling. I felt a little bit like I was dining in an aristocratic Roman home of forever ago! If I explained and described every experience I'd be typing all day. I will mention how cool it was to watch a polo game and tour a couple old mansions. Wow...I'm remembering all over again how much I liked this trip. Thank you so much Dad and Mom and thanks Ash for coming with me! I'm so thankful I was able to experience that.
OK...let me explain the picture above. This picture struck me as a good representation of how I've been feeling about life lately. The arrows represent how I've been preparing for my life(spiritually maturing, working hard in school, changing as a person...) and moving towards a certain something. At this time in my life I kinda feel like I've made it to a standing point where I can observe what I've done and think about what I need to do. Now I'm standing at the edge of a dock and I'm expected to plunge into the water. I don't even have my swimming suite with me...but I still of course must jump! And then I'm thinking-- what if I really can't even swim that well? The water is probably cold too! It seems a little scary and I can't even see the bottom or what'll be swimming with me.
I do need to say that I'm not all doom and gloom about it either...there are things about college that I'm totally excited about! I can't wait to spend time with the awesome Purdue group and get to know new people. I'm liking my apartment and roommates a lot too! There are going to be some great opportunities to grow and learn...I'm excited. It's just strange that it's all here so fast and all at once. With these thoughts, I'm going to go get things done...or maybe I'll just enjoy this day at home with no worries, because I have a feeling I'll really miss it when it's all gone.:)
Yeah Kaitlin!
I can't wait for you to be in Marsteller. :) Mucho fun we will have.
Can't wait for the pictures!
Kaitlin you really must update your blog more often than this or I am going to quit checking it. :)
Good to hear about your trip and all. Ironically I think that is the one thing we didn't spend hours hashing out this weekend. :)
Praying for you! Get a ready for Purdue b/c it's a ready for you!!
Awww...little Kaitlin at the edge of the dock. =o) You'll swim just fine. =o)
Come see me before you have to be in school everyday ya?
Oh Ann! I was so sad to miss the zoo play day...Mom had an eye appointment today (kinda a big deal) and she needed someone to drive her home after it was all over. From what she says, it went really well. I'd love to visit you. Tomorrow would be my only day and other than scout out Purdue campus, I don't think I'm doing much. We'll see...I'll call you.
Christen and Daveana! I am getting excited. :)
Hey Kait...thats so cool, you're gonna move to Purdue, I didn't know it would happen, I thought you would still in your house. But its gonna be a great experience for you...I wish good luck to you in your new life style!!;-)
are you gonna have internet in your new house?? bye,miss you!! Ygui
I left a comment awhile ago, but do not see it, hmm....
Anyway, great post & I miss you.
Love, J
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