I'm very tired at the moment...beware!...this may be a borring post as a result!
I'm excited for my African American Male class tomorrow. And, I have tons of reading to do. Probably should be doing it now. I've been doing homework all day, though, and now I just want to write. My first week of classes went pretty well. After freaking out about my Spanish class to various people that would listen, I've decided that I can probably handle it. Most of my frustration was due to the fact that it was very late last night when I sat down to look at my assignments...porbably English wouldn't have even made sense to me. I think I'm getting plugged in to the idea of School. I guess I don't really have a choice, huh? Plug in or fail!
What crazy things should I share with you?-
My weekend was awesome. I spent it in IL(Denny and Mary Ann's of course) with Sadie, Christen, Ash, Bryan, and Kurt. Monday, the Steffen boys(Quinn and Justin) came out to hang with us. We had some great conversations out on the pontoon boat. It was cool to re-connect with them after kinda growing up together and stuff. Sadie and Christen were awesome as always, and I was so glad Ash and Bryan were there. It was a great weekend with lots of food and fun. I needed it too after my first week at Purdue.
OK. For now that's all I can think to post about. I'm planning to go on a bugwalk tonight for my Entemology class...if I can figure out where to meet. It's for extra credit, which I'm sure I'll need! Have a great day everyone! It poured rain today! It's funny to see people arrive to class in a puddle of water. I was able to stay dry thankfully.
ok i have a few comments.
1--i like the revamping of the blog!
2-- this weekend was superb! You are superb!
2--I was inside the whole time it rained.... the last time I had been out, it was sunny and nice. So this guy comes into the lab looking really wet and I thought to myself "PLEASE tell me that isn't all sweat... .poor guy!"
I didn't really put the 2 puzzle pieces together until this moment, but I'm assuming he was caught in the rain. hehe
4-- I laughed when I read that you are going on a "bug walk". you nerd, you. :)
I love how I have 2 number 2s. :)
That is SO funny! Oh my...that would be a major sweat issue! Don't they always say guys look hot with a little glistening sweat on their muscles? hehe...probably soaked wasn't what they meant. I
had so much fun with you this weekend too!
I definitely like the new picture at the top. Very Superb
That picute is funny =o) Is that supposed to be we girls in the family...? =o)
picute...I don't know what that is...a cute picture I think. =o)
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