I just found this picture today and it is so...interesting. I'm not sure what I think it means. But, it does provoke a response in me...just not sure what. :)
Maybe it's sort of how I feel about life lately. Sometimes it can seem really scary and strange. Like, I don't really feel like life is reality and things are not certain or explainable. She seems out of place in this picture and yet she really does look like she belongs there. the surroundings are sort of creepy, but she gives off a sort of peaceful vibe in the midst of it all. And, the door/road idea is sort of like the continuation of life and opportunities. I like the picture because it makes me feel uncomfortable one moment and then totally intrigued and inspired the next moment. I can't just look at it without wanting to figure it out and understand how it makes me feel. Maybe if I stare at it a little longer or look at it from a different angle it will suddenly make sense or I'll see some part of it that I didn't notice before. But then again, maybe it's just an artistic picture that really doesn't need an explanation. And, maybe I spend too too much time trying to always understand my feelings and emotions about things.
I could pretty much talk about this all day
...but am I even making sense?
Maybe not. :)
Deep, girl-dawg, deep!
This comment isn't relavent to this post at all, but I just thought of it and have to say it: Now thats what a call a man! ;)
Awe, Great post Kait...Hope to see you tonight!
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