I loved having you here for as long as you were :). I think I'm liking the whole you commuting to Purdue thing...I know it's really an inconvenience for you though. Sorry if I seemed a little out of it and stuff. I think it was hard for me to adjust to school after such a long break. I guess I'm glad the first week is over and stuff. I'm in this mode where I want to do all of my homework right now so I won't have to worry about it, while at the same time I have no energy to do any of it. One step at a time, right?
This Monday being Martin Luther King Jr. day, we have no school. I want to plan something great and exciting! The Purdue group is going on a snowboarding trip...yeah, I really don't enjoy that. I've decided for as much money and time that it takes I'm not going to invest in it. I really don't enjoy being cold either (Andria can attest to that :)...).
I'm thinking that our family hasn't gotten together for some good hang out time for quite a while. I miss all of you! It was so great to have Clint here Wednesday night too...skip-bo was crazy cool(Except for the fact that I didn't get a single card out of my stack the whole game...stupid nine on top.)! Sigh...it sure does feel good to be Friday. Later! (I chose the picture because I'm ready for green to come back)