So I'm back home after a long and crazy weekend in South Bend with Ann. Overlooking some pretty stressful situations the wedding went good...I was glad to be with Ann and help her out. I recently found out that I have another whole week of break!...so I thought I would be in classes today and here I am blogging...crazy. I haven't quite decided what I'll do with this extra week. Probably something amazingly productive (yeah right). So far I've managed to do nothing with my day. I had breakfast with Ann and her boys and drove back to Lafayette. Now I can't get myself to do anything. Maybe I'll clean my room, do some errands in town, etc. Anyways...on to more important things. I've managed to make a small sum of money towards the funding of our trip to Florida! I'm going to visit Jen if it's the last thing I do. :) I'm getting very Jennysick. Ok---I'm going to have to stop writing and start doing. Here I go to seize the day!
Jennysick.... I LOVE it :)!!!!! -J
Hey Kait, I've been researching flights...we need to talk about it and get something figured out soon.
Hey kaitlin...and Ash too though I'll have to just call you. I'm almost 99% sure that I can't make it to FL right now b/c mom is going to be out of country and Gigi is working. No sitter for the boys yet and I don't really have any ideas either.
Kaitlin, let me know if you want to come along Aug 30th for that wedding shoot. same pay same fun. =o)
Andria! I think we can make it work...after chatting today I hope you feel a wee bit more encouraged to come. As many famous people have said, "Where there's a will there's a way." I think it'll be a good time for sure. :) I always say look into your heart(Napoleon Dynamite).
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