So, I was at Thursday night services and becoming increasingly more nervous as the night progressed, because I had tons of homework to do. AND sadly enough, it was all due the next day...oh boy. So, responsible me went to praise singing afterward too. I didn't feel like being social and I became increasingly annoyed throughout the night. Before I left for home I talked to Christen for forever about how much this and that irritated me and about how I was stressed. She's such a great friend to listen...she really was good to talk to. I made it home right before the snow storm hit. So it's beginning to snow and I'm sulkily sitting on the couch in the living room wondering how I'm going to get all of my homework done. I fell asleep on the couch without getting anything done(without washing my face or brushing my teeth...so annoying). I awoke an hour later wondering whether we had school and then continued to awake at odd times throughout the night. It was kinda awful. Then glory of all glories-- I found out that IvyTech. classes were canceled due to the weather! So here I am blogging...or should I say rejoicing at 8:00AM. Not really sure why I'm not going back to bed.
You are very, very lucky frienn!! I was just thinking about you and whether or not you got everything done. Glad to hear things are on the UP!! Horrah! Foozah!! Con.....tah.....!
P.S. Lets not forget the many times you've listened to me blab for hours. :)
Snow is my best friend too because it finally made you write a new post.:) hehe. I was beginning to give up hope.
I'm so happy for you and your cancelled classes...:)(forced and fakey smile) Oh, if only everyone were so fortunate.
I'll be home from school in a couple of hours...you better be there to welcome me at the door with milk and cookies.:)
Oh, and check out the picture I picked to depict the snow on my blog...funny how different people's perceptions can be about things.:)
Thanks for being so much fun this weekend even though you still had things to do.
Kaitlin. You are boring...if you don't post more often, I just might take you off of my list of bloggers. You have been warned!
Oh, you two silly girls! Andria...I'm really glad that you enjoyed being with me. I felt like I kinda disappeared half of the time with my homework and stuff. I had a lot of fun with you too! I hope I'll get to play settlers next time though. :)
Ashton- I was not blogging in hopes that you would take me off your list. It's so embarrassing when people see that we know each other! I don't know what I'd do if they found out that I was actually related to you...
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