

Friday, February 8, 2008


I'm so glad today is over ...weekend, here I come! I had to give a REALLY EXCITING oral report in my Literature class today. Let me tell you about it-- It was a three page essay highlighting the major events that occurred during the 1300's. I was able to put together a pretty awesomely great slide show for the visual aid too(It was only five slides long). I know all of you are wishing you were in my Literature class and all. Maybe if you ask really nicely I'd be willing to present my oral report for you sometime :).

So...about the crazy plans I have for this weekend. I'm thinking about hanging out with Sadie maybe! That would sure be nice. Or, maybe I should be responsible and get my homework and stuff done. I could always go to Indy and have a good time with my great family too. Hmmm...so many options...and so little time to decide.

Today we finally hooked up the new router for the internet. Do you know what this means?! No more waiting a half hour to get on the internet, and no more getting kicked off while using the internet. Ashton!- Now, that is the real reason for my absence of new blog posts. I had no motivation to do it! What if I had been in the middle of the best post of my life and then the internet disconnected. It was just(dramatic pause)too risky.

Ok...I'm going to go embrace the goodness of this fruitful Friday. I'm looking forward to a silly Saturday tomorrow!...and then a sultry Sunday, and then a maddening Monday, and maybe a tortoise-paced Tuesday, then a wacky Wednesday, and then a thrilling Thursday, and then we are back to Friday again! (Boy oh boy, that was fun!)


Nick said...

Hey girl,

You should post that 1300s project, or send me a copy or something. I'd like to see it (yes, I really am that big of a dork).

Have a great weekend.

Christen Leigh said...

Kaitlin, i just love you. :) And I'm not one to throw that phrase around.... you know.......

Kaitlin said...

well, now that you asked. I'd be glad to send it to you...although, don't expect much. It's really not that great!

Kaitlin said...

Thanks Christen! I appreciate you lots :).