First of all...Summer will be here in about two weeks. Very exciting. I have one final next week and two the following week, which isn't too bad. I'm realizing how much life is going to be different after this summer. The Purdue group is going to change quite a bit. This year was really good. I've been praying that next semester will be just as awesome.
Kurt and I are home alone yet again tonight...Mom and Dad don't get back from India till Tuesday or Wednesday (not sure which). We've been trying our best to keep the house clean...you'd all be very proud. Last night was really amazing. Kurt, Janessa, and I joined a few Purdue kids for some volleyball...turns out it was way to windy. It was nearly impossible to hit the ball in any kind of straight line. It made the game pretty interesting! We all had good excuses for not hitting anything. I think everyone was a little tired, which made for a not very competitive game...I didn't mind though. So after that Janessa came home with Kurt and I. We stopped for ice-cream on the way home. The best part of the night was when Janessa and I went for a late night run. Ok so, running isn't all that great, but the weather was so amazing. It was right before a storm so there were little flashes of lightning all over the sky. I can't even describe how beautiful it was. The wind felt so fresh and it was so peaceful. It was one of those times where God's power feels so real. We ended up laying on the road after our run to enjoy it for a while. At one point our relaxation was interrupted by car lights coming in our direction. Yeah, we screamed pretty loud. They seemed much closer than they were of course! It was a good night. :)
Kait....I loved reading your post! Aren't thunderstorms the best? I really miss you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
mucho mucho wind. i refuse to ever play vball in weather like that again!
Wow sounds like a great time. We have to go running together some time. I can't wait for the summer to come and I definitely am pumped for next semester. See ya around
aw. Me too! Can't wait to see you tomorrow, Daveana. :)
sorry that was me(Kaitlin) not Ash.
Hey Ash, oh wait I mean Kait,
Great to see yah today...I can't wait to see you tonight....:)
Happy.Happy.Oh Happy Happy Day
Love Me
thanks for praying for the group, keep it up!
Definitely, Emily. I'm really excited that you'll be an officer next year. perfect. See you around this summer!
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