I know...What the heck!? It's only been a few days and I'm already posting!You can just call me the Freakishly Frequent blogger.
I feel the need to post because I'm SO HAPPY right now. I've just been realizing a lot of things lately...a lot of good things. People have always been important to me and my friendships mean the world to me. But as of late, spending time with people has been especially awesome. I think it has something to do with my relationship with Christ ultimately. I had a lot of time to think and relax over the weekend...and spending time with God was the best. The deeper my relationship with Christ the deeper my relationship with others! I know my experiences are magnified because Christ is in my heart doing the magnifying...i love it.
Recently a group of we Purdue kids started a new club here on campus (OK...so maybe it hasn't been approved by the Purdue board but we've decided it's official). We call it "coffee club" or maybe "breakfast club." I like the first better because it has no sketchy connotations to it. So we had our second meeting this morning at 9:00. We've decided upon Einstein Bagels as our meeting spot and I think it fits us well. Every time I'm there I think of Luke Gutwein and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I remember it was one of his favorite places to hang out when he was attending Purdue. Would you like to know who the privileged members of our group are?
-Christen-Kyle F.-Sarena-Sam-Janessa-Matt V.-Kaitlin-
(I'm not sure why I connected them all in a chainlike fashion). I'd say it's a quality group of people and wonderful diversity of personalities too. So now we have two clubs--- Study club and this one. I'm just super excited to create like 100 more...maybe hat club, book club, peanut butter lover's club(this one's for you Christen), dance club(Jenny- I was thinking you could make a guest appearance)...:)
I have class in about an hour. I must be off!
The picture Heidi and I took last week with my computer.:) It's in case you forgot what I look like, Jenny! It's been so long since I've seen you.
Kaitlin! I'm so glad to be mentioned as a member when I've yet to show up... ugh... I'm so terrible! But from what I've heard, it sounds like so much fun. I wonder if we've already created more clubs than any PYGers in history... maybe? I love you!
Oh my WORDIE!!! Two posts within a month? Now this is truly a miraculous moment. :)
Good post-- I really appreciated the thought about how when Christ is most important to us, all of our other relationships are more meaningful, as well. Very true and cool.
Love ya!
Kait. Luke & I are feeling the love!! :) J
Hey there you Freakishly Frequent Blogger you.:) I like your post...as always (Which is why we keep bugging you about posting more often).
I just wish that I was still at Purdue so I could be another enthusiastic member of all of your amazing clubs!:) If I WERE there, I would want to start a traveler's club with you...and our first trip would be to Brazil this summer!(I keep talking about it just to bug Bryan):)
Have fun and keep up the QT with God! (that's a cool acronym I just made up for "quality time"...or has that already been invented??)
Don't you just love this hugely long comment? (...and my overuse of parentheses?):) heh heh.
(Love you!)
i'd join you peanut butter club. and your dance club. and your hat club. and the coffee club. i'd ruin the studying club.
i'd bring peanut butter coffee wearing a hat while dancing through the door and spill all over your books so you couldn't study. :)
Don't worry about ruining the study club...most times we don't get as much studying done as we claim! You'd probably fit right in. :)
Sarena- I have faith in you! I'm expecting you to show up yet. :)
Ash- I definitely know what you mean about using parentheses. I do that and I use way too many dots between sentences! You're... a cool...sister and definitely the only...person I'd want to...travel to Brazil with...keep working on (Bryan)!
Christen- I love the phrase you used, "Oh my WORDIE!" Brings back good memories. I'm excited to be with both you and Sadie this weekend!
Jenny- That's genuine love you're feeling right there!
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