Mark Batterson asked, "When was the last time you, as an act of worship, watched the sun rise?" This made me realize how much more connected to God I'd be if I could stop for a moment to notice the small things around me. God gives me little hugs all the time and I step right over them in my attempt to keep up with a demanding routine that I've created and let rule my life. As I was reading this chapter, I stopped to look up at the view from Luke and Jen's balcony. It was the kind of weather right before and after a rainfall. Everything is fresh and sparkly with rain and the sky looks like it wants to keep raining. I love the way the air smells and how calm everything is. There are so many amazing things around me that I want to open up my eyes to and see. And, it's so cool for me to remember that by noticing and appreciating these things we are worshiping God.
As a response to the thoughts in this book, I'm posting this picture.
I found these lights stored away in the bedroom closet. Twinkle lights are one of my favorite things ever. I love how they are able to make a room so cozy. Before I found them, I had been thinking how much I wanted a lamp for the same purpose. The twinkle lights are much better. Seriously, the lighting of my bedroom is a big deal to it's like a little, twinkly oasis.
I want to say: thank you for that special gift, God!
Mmm hmmm, girlfrieend!--You know I'm feeling more joyful. :)
1 comment:
Yea! for lights! I miss you. Can't wait to see you again!
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