I'm here and it's already Wednesday! I'm taking the opportunity to blog while Luca is napping.
I'm planning to make dinner tonight for Luke and Jen-- it should be fun. Luca was great today, which I was thankful for after a grumpy, sleep-deprived Luca yesterday.
Monday evening Luke, Jenny, and I ran together with Luke pushing Luca in the stroller. It was so great to all exercise together. We ran a three mile trail around village Haile. I'm really loving how much I've been able to be a part of their lives here in Florida. I've been able to meet Jen's friends and just do everyday things with her. I'm really thankful for the chance to experience some of Jenny's world. Going to church together Sunday was really cool too.
Last night I was pouring myself some coffee in the kitchen and looked up at Jenny in the living room...it suddenly hit me how crazy it is that I'm here with her. She's not my far away sister in Florida that I never see anymore. I get to see her every day for a whole summer! I've been really impressed with Luke's willingnes to help out with Luca!
Monday Luca and I went to the park and walked around the village. I got some pretty cute pictures of him. :) I think I might just upload them all on a separate post though. There's way too many to upload here.
Yeah post pictures. I absolutely love them. Hope you're having a spledid time. Okay so I know you are, but it seemed like the polite thing to write! :)
Hey Kait...miss you. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks!
Those are cute picture of you and Luca.
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