Yes It's true...I am home alone at this very moment. The house seems pretty lonely when I'm the only one to fill it up. I must say, though, that I really don't mind it. I think having a night with only myself is really good every once in a while. It gives me the time to think about important things and...reflect. Reflecting is always a good thing.
I drove back from MaryAnn's house this morning for church. I was glad to be able to see Mom and Dad before they zoomed off to Florida. How I wish I could go with them! I miss you guys Jen! They left for Indy tonight to sleep in a hotel so the morning rushing to the airport would be a bit easier. I had a good talk with Dad about how life changes so much. It's so important how we handle and use the change. I don't think I very often have a good attitude about the big things that change in my life. It's also crazy to think that most times we don't realize how much we appreciated something until it changes. Maybe we didn't really even know that we appreciated it until we experience what it's like without it (confusing...but, maybe it kinda makes sense?). I guess It's really important to try to fully realize that the stage of life I am in now is awesome because I'll only get to experience it once. :)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Break...
I can't describe how wonderful It's been to relax. It's amazing. I spent a few VERY GOOD days at Aunt MaryAnn and Uncle Denny's house with Ash. I love that girl so much. There aren't too many people that make me laugh as hard as she does. It was so nice to spend some one on one time with her. I need to mention that the sacrifice she made to not be with Bryan for those few days is quite impressive. (Thanks Bryan for being so willing to let us spend some time together...I needed it more than you know!). Another crazy cool thing was that Sadie came out Thursday and Friday. She is also one of my favorite people as you well know. I couldn't ask for a better friend...she is simply priceless! Ash and I met Liv in Bloomington Saturday evening, which was cool. Liv is so much fun...very dramatic :). I guess you could say I was spending the week with some pretty cool girls. I am so thankful for all of the time I had with them too!
Wow!...It seems I'm feeling very thankful and happy tonight! There are those certain special times when it really dawns on you how much you love your friends and family. I guess this is one of those times :). I feel like I could spend ten thousand hours and never fully express how much the people in my life mean to me. I love you all much much much.
I still have another whole week of break...yessss.
Wow!...It seems I'm feeling very thankful and happy tonight! There are those certain special times when it really dawns on you how much you love your friends and family. I guess this is one of those times :). I feel like I could spend ten thousand hours and never fully express how much the people in my life mean to me. I love you all much much much.
I still have another whole week of break...yessss.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Christmas is just around the corner.

This Sunday is the Matthew Christmas gathering. This means that there will be lots of talking and laughing with much food. It's always great to see everyone. I love having all of my aunts in one place...they create great energy and all have a fun sense of humor.:)I'm excited! I just got done doing some major grocery shopping for mom today so that we'll have plenty of food for the holidays. Let the fun begin...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Aaahh...I am home at last.

I'm at Luke and Ann's house right now. It's been forever since I've visited their cozy little place. Andria and I are going to sip some homemade hot cocoa...divine I know. Ash and Bryan might stop by for the evening too. It twill be a wonderful night!
Poor Kurt-- He's lying on a hospital bed at this very moment. Poor Mom-- She's sitting there beside him now. I actually just came from spending the whole day there...his surgery went well. He's becoming a natural at it, this being his second time and all. Say a little prayer for Kurts recovery.
To the sipping of cocoa I will go...Anon!
Saturday, December 15, 2007

There are two stories connected to these pretty little key-chains--
The dangley one is from Jenny on one of my birthdays of forever ago. She bought it from Arden B.(very nice store). Typical for Jenny, she bought it before the brass chain w/jewels look was so popular.
The other one I received from my awesome friend Sadie when we were probably in seventh grade or so. We thought it was cool to pretend we were going to be driving soon. I'm not sure why I haven't ever used them...probably they were just too special to be lugged around with a set of keys. Well, I've decided to use them now. And every time I see them I'll think of two of my favorite people! Missing you Jen. :)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tree Decorating...

So, Mom and I decided that the tree was looking a little sparse with Christmas lights and these old wreathes made of fake leaves (We have used these for several years...SO outdated!). We made a special trip to Hobby Lobby...Decorating the Christmas tree was our hobby that night. You have to have a hobby to go there, of course. Anyways, We found some really nice ornaments! I was planning on posting the original pictures so you could see, but I was having too much fun with photoshop. They don't exactally look like this in real life. I messed with the colors on the chritmas balb one and stuff.
It was fun picking out the docorations. Our tree is looking pretty good if I do say so myself. :) It was quite a successful trip. The middle is my favorite. It has feathers behind a jeweled, silver flower thing. OH--and don't worry, you can be sure re ridded the tree of the old wreathes.
Ash and I

Ash was in Lafayette for classes last week and we decided to meet up. We ended up going to Moe's and sharing dinner. We talked and laughed a lot. I realized how much I really value my close was so great to spend time together. the picture is of course Ashton and I. We set the camera on a timer and everything :). We always look cool like, cause we are and stuff...we are cool.
Friday, December 7, 2007
I've sent this cute little dance to some of you already. Just in case you didn't get it here it is...It is a little strange, but fun nonetheless.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Bitter-SWEET News

I am writing to finally proclaim that the mountaineer will soon no longer be a part of my life. I know this comes as a bitter shock to some of you(At times, I too find myself somewhat filled with sadness). I guess what must happen will happen...Life moves on and so do our material possessions(sniffle).
...Hallelujah! I don't have to feel like a soccer mom any longer! I'll soon be the proud owner of mom's car, which I've ventured to name Shepry. I know, It's an interesting sort of name. What better name than Shepry for an interesting sort of car? I'm really excited that I won't have to spend a fortune each week on gas anymore. Gas mileage of an SUV is pretty bad...especially when gas prices are no good.
If you have any parting words for the old, faithful mountaineer I'd be glad to deliver them. You have plenty of time to write letters of good-bye and such, because we have yet to sell it.
Have a good week everyone!
Oh The Stress-

These next two weeks are going to be killers! I have five essays due this week and finals quickly approaching. I'm realizing that I MUST prioritize like mad if I intend to survive. wish me luck in my schooling endeavors!
this picture is very relaxing and pretty. If stress becomes overwhelming I'll just imagine myself relaxing on this misty hill.
......(A moment of silence in honor of relaxation.)
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