I woke up this morning around 7am to the sounds of Luca and Luke talking and moving about in the kitchen. For some reason I decided I needed to join them, even though I'm the farthest thing from what you'd call a morning person. I've adjusted to the morning life quite well here in Florida...Luca gave me a run for my money. Funny as it sounds, School starting will give me a chance to sleep in a little. Luke offered to make me eggs before he left. Usually I would decline the offer because eggs just never sound that good to me. But this morning I liked the idea quite well. I thought it was awfully sweet of Luke to make them for me.
At 8:30am I met with Lauren to walk the 3mi Haile trail. Lauren and I were first introduced to each other at the pool. The day I met her she invited me to her apartment(which was so cute) to watch a movie with her and her mom. I am seriously always so surprised by how friendly people are here! Our walk was fun and a great way to start the day.
Jenny, Luca, and I headed to Urban Thread around 10:00am with Aimee and her cute kids. It was so much fun! Jenny and Aimee left the little shop to sit at the Starbucks next door because too many little kids in one place for too long is just...too much. All of a sudden I see Jen's head poke in the window. And then I kinda feel panicky because I'm thinking she's going to tell me I'm taking too long and then I'll feel bad because I should be hurrying and helping with the kids! She runs in the store and with a big smile on her face grabs the skirt I had planned to buy and proceeds to buy it for me. It was so sweet. She said it was a gift from her and Aimee. :) Oh but it doesn't end there...When I joined them at Starbucks a few seconds later Jenny had bought a little muffin with a candle on top. I felt the love. Did I mention it was raining at this point? Rain is my favorite thing ever.
There's the muffin and a happy me holding it.

This is Aimee. I absolutely love this girl.

The kids...how cute.

You probably thought this post was about over, huh? Think again! This was a crazy & long day. Pretty much I'm explaining it in extreme detail too...probably because...it's my last day in Florida. I'm savoring every little bit of it. :)
(Picking up where I left off)--
We then moved our party to Chick-fil-A so the kids could play. And guess what they had there? An annoying, huge, stuffed cow that walked around scaring young children. I think those stuffed costume things are weird & creepy, but I guess some kids really do like them.
Oh and, we shared a tasty peach milk-shake together...that we got for free from a coupon Aimee had. :)
Here's a picture...

I ran my last circle around Village Haile this afternoon. Running in the FL humidity for a summer has been a good experience. It's tough...and I think I'm actually going to appreciate Indiana exercising after all I've had to endure! Jenny and I watched our last show together on her tiny mac screen. I've got some good memories of Luke, Jenny, and I huddled together on the couch watching something ridiculous like, "I survived a Japanese Game Show!" :)
At around 8:00pm I met with two of my close friends for dessert at the Melting Pot. It was wonderful. We dipped Pound cake, fruit, and cheesecake into a steamy pot of dark chocolate while chatting. so good.
Now that I'm thinking about it, ending my last day in Florida with chocolate is just about perfect. :)
And there we are.

Before this post comes to a close, I have to mention: There's no way I would have finished my packing in time for our flight tomorrow if it hadn't been for Rachel(she's the girl on the left in the above pic.). I pretty much just handed her items in a dazed state while she some-how fit them all in my bag. There's no way all of that stuff should have fit! It was incredible. She's a one of a kind girl.
And here's another picture in honor of her. :)

Now that it's 1:30am I'll go to bed...and wake up in a couple of hours to head to Orlando for a way early flight. Wowsers. No sleep for me.